
About Us
The Tom LaBonge Civic Project (TLCP) was started by Tom’s wife Brigid and their children Charles and Mary-Cate in 2022. It is their intention to continue sharing his philosophy about how one can enjoy and love Los Angeles by engaging in small civic actions and improvements every day.

Brigid is Director of the Tom LaBonge Civic Project. She and Tom began dating in 1979 and were married in 1988 until his death in 2021. They were fortunate to be able to see many cities, states, and countries together in their travels, but they always remained faithful to their beloved home in Los Angeles.
Charles, Tom’s son, serves as the TLCP’s designer and visual coordinator. He studied at the University of San Francisco and graduated with a degree in design in 2020. He has been restoring Tom’s 1971 Chevy Impala convertible, which has been in the family’s garage since 1981.
Mary-Cate, Tom’s daughter, serves as the TLCP’s copywriter and editor. She graduated from California State University, Long Beach in 2019 with a degree in Liberal Studies. She enjoys working with children to improve their literacy and math skills, as well as picking up trash on walks with her trusty trash clamper.

Thank you to those who have donated thus far:
William R & Elizabeth M Bamattre • Maureen L Brock & Daniel Lee Mitts • California Community Foundation • Janet Clayton • Marilyn Downey • Echo X Park Artist Studio, LLC • Sarah Finn • Gregory M Goethals • Christy Guerra • Perry Herman • Perry & Marina Herman • Deborah L La Bonge • Denis & Robin LaBonge • Brigid LaBonge • Matthew LaBonge • Melinda S & Stephen J LaBonge • Steve Lopez & Alison Shore • Giovanni & Debra Lovatelli • John J Lyons • Diane Kanner • Stacy Marble• Winston Kevin, Michele D L & POD Winston McKesson • Gary & Nina M Mohi • Mickey Petralia • Mary Frances Smith-Reynolds & Christopher S Reynolds • Standolyn Robertson • Mary Rodriguez • Brad • M & Devon Rosenheim • Kent & Karen Lee Schoknecht • Laura Wild